We all know how important it is to find the right web host. However, it is even more important when you’re running an e-commerce business. Your website has to reliable in every way at all times. You’re dealing with customers’ data and expectations. Your business will suffer if you let them down. They won’t give you a second chance. A lot of this responsibility lies with your web hosting, so make sure when you’re starting an e-commerce business that you choose the right one.
What to Look for When Choosing a Web Host for Your E-commerce Business
#1 – Speed
Customers will not wait a long time for your site to load. If it is slow, they will soon go to your competition for whatever it is they need. Loading speed can also affect your position in the Google search rankings. It’s therefore in your interests to make sure your site loads as quickly as possible. Check with your host that they can provide the speed you need. If you’re using shared hosting and your site is slow, it may be worth considering moving to the cloud.
#2 – Security
When you’re running an e-commerce business, you will come into contact with a lot of customers data. Names, addresses, even credit card details. It’s your responsibility to keep this data secure.
Make sure your host provides you with a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate, which gives your site authority to your customers and supports encryption of customer data. Make sure your host assigns you a dedicated IP address too. Both these measures will help safeguard your site from hackers.
#3 – Uptime
Uptime, or the amount of time your site is live, is essential to the smooth running of an e-commerce business. Any downtime on your site affects your revenue and profitability. It also undermines your customers’ confidence in your brand.
Make sure your host guarantees an uptime of at least 99.9% of each month.
#4 – Support
A good level of tech support is essential for your web host. As said above, if your site goes down or experiences problems, it can seriously affect your business. You need help instantly.
Make sure you choose a web host with 24/7 support. In addition, make sure they are available via a medium you are comfortable with, be it phone, email or live chat. The best service usually comes from a live human being on the phone, don’t settle for less.
Furthermore, make sure in your contract, that you have a guarantee of a certain level of service. Your host may promise the earth, but unless they are forced to deliver, their promises may be empty. Make sure things like uptime are guaranteed.
#5 – Price
With web hosting, you get what you pay for. You can try to do web hosting cheaply, with a discount shared hosting package. However, if you’re running an e-commerce business this is probably a mistake. You won’t get the speeds, support or anything else that you need.
While you need to make sure you’re not being ripped off, make sure your hosting has all the features you need before you worry about price.
#6 – Upgrading Options
Hopefully, your e-commerce business will become successful and grow. While your hosting service may be fine now, will it be fine in 5 years’ time? Make sure your hosting package allows you to add upgrade features easily.
If you need to add servers or upgrade to a cloud or dedicated hosting service, make sure your host can cater for this.
#7 – Ease of Use
You will be busy delighting your customers and looking for new products to sell in your e-commerce business. You do not want to be struggling to use your website. If you’re hiring web developers, you want them getting on with the job, not learning new processes.
Ensure your web hosting package is easy enough to use, to amend and upgrade.
#8 – Compatibility
E-commerce businesses need software to function. Stock control, sending, taking payment and much more, all controlled by software. Ensure when you’re choosing a web host, that your e-commerce software runs smoothly with your web hosting package.
#9 – Features
Make sure your web host provides you with additional features to aid the running of your e-commerce business. Automatic backups are essential if something goes wrong with your site, choose a host that offers this feature. Staging features are useful if you are redesigning your site. Shop around to find the features that are right for you.
#10 – Good Reviews
Checking a potential host’s reviews is one of the best ways to evaluate how good they are. Check online for reviews of web hosts and see what people are saying. If customers are complaining about poor support, slow speeds, low uptime levels and more, it may be worth looking elsewhere for a web host.
With a little bit of effort, you can find the web host that is right for your business.
Which web host do you recommend for e-commerce?